Alabama Guest Statute
As a pre-law student, becoming knowledgeable about various topics such as the branches of Government, State, and Foreign policy, and politics are beneficial to my education. Likewise, being able to accurately research and define various statutes, laws, and constitutions is even more of a necessity. I was recently able to research and provide an informative essay on Alabama's Guest Statute, which provides legal protection for Alabama motor vehicle operators, shielding them from liability for injuries sustained by non-paying passengers.
HERstory Month & DOWI
HERstory Month adapts to the traditional notion of Women's History Month, with 'her' instead of 'his.' I was asked by the Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID) to be one of the student panel speakers on behalf of Auburn Panhellenic at the 2022 Women's Leadership Conference. During that time, I was serving as the Panhellenic Council Director of Women's Initiatives, which was a tremendous honor. Within this position I did everything from community planning, creating and interacting with DEI initiatives, and forming valuable connections. Likewise, I had the opportunity to create an initiative for the women of Auburn Panhellenic called "Safe Sisters," which addressed an act against sexual violence on campus and within the Panhellenic community.
September's Muse
While I don't necessarily consider Creative Nonfiction Writing my favorite genre, I recognize its potential to fuel my creativity and originality in both my major and career aspirations. When I took a creative writing course at Auburn University, I challenged myself to step outside my comfort zone and produce written works that I previously thought were beyond my capabilities. One particular piece, titled "September's Muse," showcases my use of nonfiction reflective writing and stylistic formatting to create a beautiful and impactful composition. Despite my initial reservations about the genre, I've come to appreciate the unique opportunities that creative nonfiction writing can offer.
Safe Writers Initiative
I had the opportunity to start a piloted initiative for the Miller Writing Center which focuses on promoting a Brave Space within the workplace. The initiative is based on SAFEZone training and Q-P-R training, which is provided through the Auburn Cares office at Auburn University. This initiative was inspired by my time as DOWI for Panhellenic, where I created the "Safe Sister Initiative." Although different, they both address student body concerns on campus. This semester, I have taken on the designated "Safe Writer" position at the Miller Writing Center. As the Safe Writer, I provide a bridge between the administration and my peers, ensuring that there is opportunity for safe and transparent discussion within the workplace.
Civil Rights Case Brief
In Spring of 2023 I had the opportunity to take one of the more influential classes at Auburn, Political Science Constitutional Law: Civil Rights. This class covered various civil rights cases which went to the Supreme Court from the early 1700's to present day. I quickly earned how to brief cases using my own personal style which is present in my case brief of Marbury v. Madison (1803).
APSA Citation: Professional Development
I have created this professional development guide on APSA citations because I noticed the Miller Writing Center didn't have a ton of Political Science or Law and Justice consultants. I thought that creating this initiative would be a good idea to train all new and returning consultants in this specialization. My goal is that this may engage more legal writing within the workplace and perhaps be more inclusive to non-English majors who want to learn legal and professional writing.